It can only carry 18 rounds in total, and has a slow firing rate, but every bullet counts as a kill if they are used properly. No, but players spawn with 6 rounds for this weapon.Ī revolver. It is used mostly as a backup weapon because of its low damage, often to finish off weakened opponents. Yes, comes with full ammo (18/150 rounds).Ī quick firing pistol with medium accuracy. These objects, in addition to grenades, can also be caught and thrown back at an opponent. Players can kill opponents by throwing file cabinets, toilets, and other physics objects that are strewn about the level. Used for picking up and throwing objects. It has a slower rate of attack than the crowbar, but inflicts more damage. The default melee weapon for the Combine team.
It inflicts less damage than the Stunstick, but has a faster rate of attack. Gordon Freeman's signature weapon in the Half-Life series, the crowbar is the default melee weapon for the rebels. The Half-Life 2: Deathmatch weapons are shared with Half-Life 2 with several differences (in use but not appearance) with the exception of the S.L.A.M, exclusive to the game, and the Stunstick, originally only used by Civil Protection. Instead, they will get new players connected to the server.
If the teams are unbalanced, the team with fewer players will not get players from the other team. Nevertheless, if the player dislikes that character, they are able to choose another one from the list.
If the player selected a Rebel model for his character, and they are taken to the Combine team, they will get a random model from the list of Combine models. Depending of the friendly fire being enabled or not, a player will lose one score point for every teammate killed. Instead of only one player winning the round, the team with the higher score wins. In the gaming aspect, TDM has almost the same rules like in deathmatch mode, except for: In the Team deathmatch (commonly abbreviated as TDM) mode, players are organized in two teams, Rebels (Red) and Combine (Blue), both of them with different characters that appear exactly as they do in Half-Life 2. If a player is killed, they will respawn with 100 health points and the default spawn weapons, but will lose all the weapons and ammunition they had before being killed. The point of the deathmatch is simple: the player must kill other players to score points, and if the player accidentally kills himself, they would lose points. Of these features, the most notable are: instant respawn, weapons have a specific spawn point, quick traveling and special abilities (sprint, flashlight, etc). The Deathmatch (commonly abbreviated as DM) mode, includes more of the features seen in other games that can be played in deathmatch mode.